
OK, finally I have gotten my blogroll together. (A blogroll is a list of other blogs that you link to.) Here's the list (also on the right now) with a bit of explanation for each:

Friends o' mine:
Polyphony - Good friend from Skidmore, now living in DC, and just engaged to be married.
Nino - Sometimes bass player for my band, Drop Trio.
Alpern - Fascinating guy I know from Skidmore - a fellow fan of Hofstaedter and cognitive philosophy. Now working as a UI designer at eBay.

Not A Compliment - Mike Switzer, local trombonist and misantrhopic populist.
Poopscape - Montrose resident, craftswoman, restraunt critic and new mom.
Houston Calling - High quality local music blog by David Cobb.
Idiotprogrammer - Fellow computer guy & music fan in Houston who is experimenting with listening only to freely available MP3s.
Overflow - Cody, a Houston dad & computer guy; writes really insightful stuff about spirituality and its continual clash with daily life.
Perfectly Cromulent - Local music fan & left leaning political observer
Dan Workman - Producer at SugarHill studios

Dr. Howard Dean - Howard Dean's campaign blog (the original, the busiest, the best). Dean is my man - a smart, down to earth guy with sensible policies.
Cho - Margaret Cho rocks my world, now on a daily basis.
OM Trio - Stories of the road from America's hardest travelling metal funk jazz trio.

I'm always looking for new ones - I figure that I can fit about a dozen or so in my daily reading list, so as I find new ones, I'll bump others off to make room.