
Friday the 13th

Gosh, where to start today?

- Who schedules dental work on Friday the 13th? Me, apparently. It's OK, though, I'm now back in tip top dental shape, and only a little bit sore. And who knew that laughing gas was so, well, funny?

- Who wants a Wii? Me! I want one! Me!!

- Eat out or dine in? This thread I started last night on Ask Metafilter got a ton of responses, and got picked up by Get Rich Slowly and LifeHacker. Cool. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get some tacos. Or maybe go shopping. ??

- Just rediscovered Digg today. Talk about time suck!

- Ok, no really: talk about time suck.

- Anyone want to take a trip to the Houston Center for Photography ... uh, Center?

OK, that's all I got. Back to my regularly scheduled email.